Thursday, February 10, 2005

Hi, I'm new here...

My good friend Elaine AKA Lainey, got me on to this Blog thingiemagig. I think I like it! I'll let you know. Today started out cold and rainy but has turned out to be cold and sunny. I'll take it! Ben and I went to the gym this morning and I took a kickboxing class. It was ok, but I think I'll be feeling it tomorrow. I'm continally spurred on at the thought of my thoroughly winterized body (Think Hibernation!) squeezing into a bathing suit in the summer. Not a pretty thought.
On to more important things. BEN! Today Mike came home for lunch (the sweetie that he is!) so I could go get my haircut. When I left Ben said, "BYE"! In his little 22 month old voice. Such a cutie! I thought about that the whole drive to the salon....isn't it strange how quickly the "important" things of life fall away when you have children? Don't they just narrow the road we travel so much? I think it is a blessing in a person's life to be able to focus on the welfare of others, and being a wife and a mother seems to do just that! Like my Mom always said, "It's not about you anymore!"

1 comment:

Laney said...

Welcome to the blogosphere my friend!!!!
Your hubby is so sweet to come home for you to get your haircut. I have to tell you I am so impressed that you not only started a blog but got pictures on it the same day! Yet another reason that YOU are mt hero!! :-)That took me a while.You would have to go into my January archives to read about that nightmare! Have a great night.