Thursday, September 29, 2005

Uh-oh, I found two big boo-boos

Ben was at his Nana's house for the day and discovered that he had two boo-boos that were needing some band-aids. Nana told me all about it when I went to pick up Ben. We both were supressing laughter as he listened in to the terrible saga. I had to snap a picture before I put him in the tub! He was still a little worried that evening and told Daddy all about it. Kids never fail to make you laugh at the most unexpected moments! Gotta love 'em!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I got tagged!

OK tagged me, so here it is!

5 Things I plan (Lord willing) to do before I die:

1) Own a horse again.
2) Live in Lake Tahoe with my husband someday.
3) Assuming we are blessed with them, be able to enjoy our grandchildren...see things come full circle.
4) Have a vacation on a dude ranch with my family.
5) Be totally comfortable with my own body (and be my goal weight! He he!)

5 things I can do:

1) ARC Weld (It might not be pretty but it sticks!)
2) Wire a GFP outlet correctly
3) Get a BIG splinter out of my son's foot (Ok it took two days to get up the nerve..but we did it! He was a "brave boy!")
4) Get violets to flower
5) Take a 5 minute shower (thanks to being raised in a house with only one bathroom and 7 people, it's just not enjoyable to hear "HURRY UUUP!" every 2 minutes!)

5 Things I cannot do:

1) Back a trailer attached to a truck or car, proficiently.
2) Enjoy sewing.
3) Take the place of my son when he's undergoing a medical test or procedure.
4) Fold a fitted sheet.
5) Understand why people are purposly mean.

5 Things that attract me to the opposite sex

1) Compassion
2) Love and fear of God
3) Strong work ethic
4) Vulnerability
5) Honesty

5Things I say most often

1) OH MAN!
2) Let's see....
3) Oh my gosh!
4) Good gracious
5) You have got to be kidding me...

5 Celebrity crushes

1) Chiefs Quarterback, Trent Green
2) Jason Taylor, Plays for the Dolphins
3) Sam Elliot
4) Kevin Costner
5) Alan Jackson

5 people I want to do this

1) My friend, Laurie
2) My friend, Vigdis
3) My Mom
4) My sister Chris
5) My sister Carol

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Katrina Really Packed a Wallop!

Good morning Everyone. I wish it was good for the people impacted by this awful hurricane. As I watched Good Morning America, my heart just was wrenched for the poor folks down there. I found a Christian Disiaster Relief Organization online and thought I would at least put the page on my blog. If any of you feels the need to donate to them, God Bless you! They also have a list of supplies that you could box up and mail to them. It seems like such a small thing compared to how these people have been impacted.

I hope you all have a good holiday weekend. Its hard to believe that summer is really coming to a close. I do love fall though!