Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Taking Care of Business

It has been a busy couple of days, but it feels good to get things taken care of. This weekend we were supposed to attend a birthday party in Lancaster PA, but decided that we had better stay home and get stuff taken care of in the house. (a much more BORING option! ) Monday was the house inspection here and we're waiting to find out what the new owners might want changed. Tomorrow, our township will be inspecting so that we can get a certificate of occupancy. There was a whole list of things that they will be looking for. Only two concern us, I think. One is GFI outlets and the other is a metal dryer vent instead of a plastic one. So on Sunday, while Mike was riding his motorcross bike, Ben and I went to Panera Bread for lunch and to Lowes to get supplies. I got three GFI outlets and replaced them in our kitchen. Apparently you have to have these Ground Fault Interrupter outlets within 6 feet of any water source. Gotta get that kitchen up to code! It wasn't too hard, but not as easy as I thought it would be. Especially because I had a bit of a handicap, without wire strippers...but we made it work! I guess I should weld that one pipe that had a leak in our crawl space, too..... JUST KIDDING! But seriously though folks...We did have to get an HVAC person in here this morning because of a leak in our air conditioning system. How did moving get so expensive? The movers (don't want to think about how much THAT will be!), $500 to test our buried oil tank, $120 to fix the leak, $80 for parts at Lowe's, $400 to get the inspection at the new house and $75 for the inspection for the C of O, and I believe we've just touched the surface! Oh well, this is what you gotta do, I guess, and two months from now it'll all be a distant memory. Then it'll be onward to our new place! Yay!

Friday is our 5 year anniversary. I said to Mike, on Sunday, that maybe we could do something Thursday night since he's flying out on Friday, like get his Mom to take Ben? He just calmly said..."Don't worry about it. I got it ALL taken care of!" OH BOY!!! I'll fill you all in on Friday or Saturday! (with MOST of the details!)

Today is MY glucose test with the lovely orange drink. I know it will be nothing compared to what my frind Elaine had to go through last week with a 6 hour test and *8* blood draws. Poor dear! But a blood draw nonetheless. I usually do some secret pushups in the bathroom before they draw to make things go a little more smoothly. Better to just get it done and over with...since I've been told that I'm a "hard stick". Sounds like a nickname that I might have aquired in prison or something. Hmm, I like it, has a cool, tough ring to it!! "you try that again and you'll have to talk to my girl "hardstick!!"

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Well, I had my blogger post page up for hours yesterday. I got interrupted and never got back to it! I did sit in front of the blank screen for about two minutes though, if that counts for anything!
Our big news is that we did sell our house! By the time the people saw it, and we got to the real estate office to accept the offer and sign on the dotted line, our house was sold in a little over a week! I was shocked! It wasn't the woman that I'd spoken of before, it's a young engaged couple that will be moving in! We're excited for them.
That's just the way Mike and I did it. We put in an offer on our house a few months before we got married and closed a month before the big day! It was SO EXCITING to drive up here after the wedding. I'll never forget that feeling of looking over at Mike, knowing that I wouldn't have to leave him again!!
When we were dating, Mike lived here in Jersey and I lived in Maryland. Every weekend we drove to see each other, especially when we were engaged. Some of the time I would bring my black lab, Dixie, on the Cape May, (NJ)-Lewes, (DE). Ferry and Mike would be waiting on the other side. That 45 minute boat ride was extra long on Fridays and the drive to the ferry was way too short on Sundays. Or at least it seemed that way!
Its hard to believe that our 5th wedding anniversary is coming up. It will be good to celebrate, even though Mike is flying out for his yearly business trip to Europe that day. It will be a sad and happy day too. I'm thinking maybe we'll just do dinner out. I imagine we'll have a lot on our plates with moving and such.

Yes, we did put in an offer on a house and it was accepted! So both contracts are in atty. review. With the speed that our house sold and the way we found the house we offered on, it only has to be from God. Only God can put that timing together the way that He does! Just a FEW examples...
We had already put in a bid for another house in a neighborhood that we just LOVED! 2 houses were for sale there. One was ok, the other was pretty nice, but had three bedrooms...not awful, of course...but we figured we could make it work and maybe put a room in the basement eventully. We were TRYING to make it work. EVERYTHING in the house seemed to be grey. The walls, the floor (Grey formica tile and grey carpet) except there were black appliances in the kitchen and etc. It was a nice house though and generally we liked it a lot. We figured we were being picky and unappreciative of the opportunity if we didn't at least make an offer.....So we did, and were supposed to find out Sunday night or Monday morning if they accepted it.

Saturday night, as I was trying to fall asleep, something just didn't feel right. I felt like we were settling....I know that when God is working he even cares about the little things, like me dreading having to paint all those walls with our little baby and Ben. And not having the extra bedroom we were hoping for. (I decided not to say anything to Mike just yet and didn't complain about the walls or floors, because all of that can be changed eventually) Oddly enough, on Sunday morning as we were driving to church, Mike said, "You know, I just have this feeling that we should keep looking. I know its sounds wierd because we do like that house, but I feel like we are settling."......Can you believe it? I had to laugh! It was amazing that we were both feeling the same way! So after church we drove back down to look at that house again and IN THAT SAME NEIGHBORHOOD, was an open house, for sale by owner..that had never been there before, even with all the times we'd been through there! So we went to look at it and it was PERFECT....down to not having to do a thing as far as decorating, painting etc. a two car garage, a basement, four bedrooms and my personal want....Washer and dryer on the 2nd floor! When I saw that, I knew.... We put in our offer with them right on the spot and they accepted.
There is so much more, but not enough time to type. I'm so relieved that we can move in, I can have the baby and not have to worry about the house. Just enjoy the holidays and and our new little girl! We'll see. I pray everything goes through as scheduled, especially with the baby!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Baby cookin' Pancakes?

I had to share a laugh that Ben gave me a day or so ago.
I was eating lunch with him. Me at the table and Ben at his highchair beside me, munching on a hotdog. I asked him where the baby was and he pointed to my belly. Then he said, "I see baby?" I had to think for a minute and then said well, she's not ready to come out yet. You know how Mommy cooks food for you on the stove or in the microwave, and you can't eat it till its done cooking? Well, the baby isn't done cooking yet! I was quite proud of my explanation till he exclaimed, "Baby cooking p-peaks (pancakes)?? Baby need dis!!" as he handed me his fork! He is such a smart little guy...it never crossed my mind that my explanation could be construed that way!
Now everytime we talk about the baby he says, "baby cook p-peaks?" I can imagine he'll expect a full breakfast when she's born!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Ok I'm much better now!

Hi all! I feel better now. When I realized that I had lost my big long blog (just at the point of spellchecking!) I said, "OH NOOOO" and Ben came running in to see what happpened. He said "What daaaat?" I explained that Mommy spent a long time typing and now its all gone! He simply said, "I sorry Mommy, I sorry" and walked out. I had to chuckle. I felt much better. He such a sweetie!
This past weekend was pretty busy. We had 3 couples on Friday night, a woman and her son on Saturday morning, a woman and her daughter on Monday and another couple today. We've had three offers, 2 lowballs and one that was our asking price (the woman and her son from Saturday, she was just so happy that our house was for sale. She said she'd been driving our neighborhood for a month hoping one would come up for sale. Who woulda guessed?) She wants it so bad that she's gone for a bridge loan until her house sells. Guess we'll have to see. We secretly hope she gets the house because she's so sweet! Meanwhile we've been going back and forth with offers and counter offers with one other couple.
We looked at 2 houses in Manchester last night. (about 10 min. south of us in the same county but a WHOLE other tax area....MUCH better taxes! We can get twice the house for the same taxes. Of course we loved them both and our agent warned us about looking before our house sold, but its hard not to! Now we can't do a thing but wait to see if our house sells before the ones we like, do. Oh well. I know that God has this whole thing worked out! (and it will in His time.)

Mike and I spent the afternoon on Sunday in our pool and puttering around the back yard, me watering plants and him, changing the oil in our quad and something else with his bike. At one point, Ben was asleep (Yes, the monitor was in earshot but only for my relaxation purposes) I was lying on a floating lounge in the pool and Mike was messing with the bikes. We were just talking abut different stuff. About how blessed we've been to have this house and how much we'll miss the pool. It was such a nice reprieve from our busy weekend! I had to say a silent prayer of thanks!

Monday, August 15, 2005


I'm going to go sulk now. I just typed out a whole long blog and I lost it all. Ugh! I'll be back later on today with renewed energy, hopefully!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Gardening IS one of my favorite past-times, right?

Wow! I'm TIRED! Two nights ago we met with the realtor and signed the papers to list our house. It was a dose of reality! We've got some things to do! Yesterday I had a surge of energy and sanded and painted the mailbox and park bench, trimmed all the bushes in the front yard, planted a few flowers, and got Ben's haircut. After Mike got home from work and unloaded the mulch and topsoil for me I planted some evergreens around our back deck. (meanwhile Mike was putting away and organizing the big stuff in the back yard) We were both filthy and stinky at the end of the day!
(Ps the picture is of Ben a year ago, my little gardening helper! )
And here I sit, filthy and stinky again! (Yes I did get a shower last night!) This morning Ben and I got out before it got too hot (but it didn't end up that way! It's steamy out there!) and I trimmed some of the bushes and trees in the back yard and mulched those evergreens. This afternoon the realtor comes to take some pictures and I want it to be DONE and now I finally am! I think the shower is screaming at me (especially because Ben is down for his nap)
By the way, if you've read some previous blogs, you'd see that we're still having trouble with Ben sleeping all night. He just gets up, we go in and put him back in his bed, and this might happen three to four times a night. Last night he slept all night till 5:45am. I think I could handle that on a daily basis! Its not that early considering that I milked cows for two years college and one summer worked at an Angus farm that I had to be at the farm by 6 am. ( I think I was a bit daft in the head ~wink~) Now if Ben could just guarantee me those hours of sleep every night...ha ha!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Things are speeding up around here!

Well, suddenly things have started to pick up around here. Mike and I sat down last week and had a serious conversation about how small our house will seem with another baby. I think I'm willing to deal with it, but Mike had a good point when he said how much harder it would be to move once the baby is born. What if we decide a month later that, oops, we need a lot more space! I won't be much help, especially those first few months of no sleep! SO we went to some open houses this weekend and talked to a few realtors and its possible that our house will be on the market by the end of the week!! WHOA! things are moving fast! We meet with our realtor tonight to sign the papers and etc. This is definitly a new experience for me. The closest I've come to this type of thing is a garage sale..."come on, you know you want that futon!!" I want to set up our camera in a closet or something to see what people say about our house. That way I can say, "oh yes that couple is really nice, I think they'll appreciate our house!" Of course it probably will come down to the green, you and I know that!
Its amazing how one minute you are thinking, Oh how nice, we have almost every weekend in August at home! (First time all summer!), and the next its, boy we don't have enough weekends in August to get the house ready to sell! It is an exciting time as well, so I know it will go quick. Mike leaves the beginning of September for his yearly trip to Europe for work. It would be nice to wrap it all up in a month! (Ha ha!) I know that if this is where God wants us then it will happen in His timing. I do trust in that! My thoughts are of my friend Elaine who has her house for sale, has 3 boys and they are looking at buying property in North Carolina. Makes me feel that our task is much much less daunting! Thanks for your inspiration Laney!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Listo (L) and Dixie (R) Posted by Picasa

Ben and Mike, the day we drove Trail Ridge road in Rocky Mountain National Park. We were over 12,000 ft above sea level. Posted by Picasa

Ben and Mike behind our cabin, during our vacation in CO. Posted by Picasa

A mental step back

Today I got up at 6:30 am, got a shower, got Ben dressed and was out the door by 7:15. Without Ben of course. Do you really think I could get ready that fast with a child in tow? I think not! My wonderful husband is dropping him off at my mother-in law's while I drive up to North Jersey (somewhere) to drop off a display. All I know is that I went past Rutgers and kept going about another 1/2 hour. I'm the chair for the NJ Soil and Water Conservation Society's display comittee. Whoa! Exciting and heady stuff for this stay-at-home Mom! (Ha!)

It was quite exciting (and tempting) at first. Listening to our local Christian staton, enjoying a quiet car, having some alone-time (a precious commodity among stay-at-homers), and then.......I hit traffic. About 45 minutes of stop-and-go. Before I knew it, "COME ON!" and "WOULD YOU MOVE OVER SO I CAN PASS!!" was escaping this mouth that had been singing praise songs only moments before. I had to take a mental step back and assess the situation. I think God was shaking his head at me at me at that moment saying, "You see! What makes you think that you know what is best for your life?? I've kept you at home to protect you and Ben, so he can have a happy healthy Mom at home!" I'm glad HE's directing my path and not me!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Its been so long since my last blog that almost scrapped this one and started a new one!! But this might be a surprising and refreshing new way to let everyone know that I'm still alive! Ha ha. If anyone checks it anymore...that is.....
The beginning of April we found out that we're pregnant again (I do realize that I'm the one who is pregnant and thus will be birthing the baby, but I think its nice to involve the whole family!)
Last week we found out that its a girl! Believe it or not it didn't come as a shock to me. I really felt like the baby was a she. In fact I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying "she" everytime I talked about the baby! Nope, we havn't come up with a name yet. There are so many good ones that we like, that we decided just to have God let us know what her name is. (and if he doesn't than we've got plenty to choose from!)

Mike has stayed healthy so far this summer, as far as motorcross is concerned. Which we are grateful for! He leaves for Europe again in a month and is going for 2 weeks. We just dread it, but it is a necessity in his job. At least it isn't for a whole month like it was the first time. I look forward to the end of the day when he comes home from work, and its kind of a letdown when he doesn't come walking thru that door. For both Ben and I of course! Ben always runs to him yelling, DADDY!!! DADDY HOME! Oh well! We're blessed that he has that kind of job that allows me to stay home with Ben.

Ben is growing like a weed. He is saying many phrases and cracks us up continuously! He's having fun in the pool but still is a bit afraid to get his face in. All in good time! He is still into the lawnmower and any kind of truck he can get his hands on!

We gave away one of our dogs, Listo. He went to a wonderful family that has a daughter in 4th grade. They had gotten one of Dixie's puppies but had lost her to kidney failure. It was so sad. They really doted on her. Listo was such a fun addition to our family and I was sorry to see him go. I know he's so so much happier now, though. I just wan't able to give him the attention that he needed. He really was so loving and just wanted to be right by my side. Its hard to do with Ben! And especially now, that we'll have another little one. That's what really made up my mind to ask this family if they wanted him. Neither Ben, Dixie, Listo or myself have been on a walk since April, when I got my list of restrictions from the Doctor. I just felt gulity about Listo. Dixie is 8yrs old now and is ok with a little less activity, but Listo, being 2 yrs old was just in dire need of attention. And Attention is what he got!!!
Apparently he goes swimming in their pool at least 3 times per day, goes for 2 walks a day, they take him to doggie beach for swims and has already been for a ride on a firetruck (the Dad is a member of a company) SO you tell me who's the lucky dog now! (Shoot, I'D like to be their dog!)
I'm doing fine. Had a bit of a scare on Sunday. We were at a family reunion all day on Saturday in PA and drove back that night. I had such pains that night and had 2 contractions. So the next morning I decided to go to the hospital. (with some urging from my Doctor) They put me on the monitor and checked me out. Everything was fine, my cervix was good and the stitch that they put in , in June was still intact. Whew! We've been thru enough of these emergencies...It would be nice to have a nice calm full term pregnancy (Or at least till Nov. 30th, when they take out the stitch) SO after a day of full bedrest on Monday, I'm feeling just fine. Thanks to my wonderful husband who was home all day with me and my mother-in-law who came over to help out in the evening. Fed AND bathed Ben. It was so sweet. The reason for that was that MIKE was in the ER that evening. Can you believe it? His IBS has been acting up for the last month and he finally couldn't take the pain anymore. It was just getting worse and worse. (I'd have been in the ER the first day!) They did a CAT scan with contrast...and after having been there for almost eight hours....they found that he might have diverticulitis. They gave him 2 different kinds of antibiotics by IV and when he came home he felt MUCH better. He is seeing his gut doctor (can't remember what they call him)this week. Its always something around here!