Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Ok I'm much better now!

Hi all! I feel better now. When I realized that I had lost my big long blog (just at the point of spellchecking!) I said, "OH NOOOO" and Ben came running in to see what happpened. He said "What daaaat?" I explained that Mommy spent a long time typing and now its all gone! He simply said, "I sorry Mommy, I sorry" and walked out. I had to chuckle. I felt much better. He such a sweetie!
This past weekend was pretty busy. We had 3 couples on Friday night, a woman and her son on Saturday morning, a woman and her daughter on Monday and another couple today. We've had three offers, 2 lowballs and one that was our asking price (the woman and her son from Saturday, she was just so happy that our house was for sale. She said she'd been driving our neighborhood for a month hoping one would come up for sale. Who woulda guessed?) She wants it so bad that she's gone for a bridge loan until her house sells. Guess we'll have to see. We secretly hope she gets the house because she's so sweet! Meanwhile we've been going back and forth with offers and counter offers with one other couple.
We looked at 2 houses in Manchester last night. (about 10 min. south of us in the same county but a WHOLE other tax area....MUCH better taxes! We can get twice the house for the same taxes. Of course we loved them both and our agent warned us about looking before our house sold, but its hard not to! Now we can't do a thing but wait to see if our house sells before the ones we like, do. Oh well. I know that God has this whole thing worked out! (and it will in His time.)

Mike and I spent the afternoon on Sunday in our pool and puttering around the back yard, me watering plants and him, changing the oil in our quad and something else with his bike. At one point, Ben was asleep (Yes, the monitor was in earshot but only for my relaxation purposes) I was lying on a floating lounge in the pool and Mike was messing with the bikes. We were just talking abut different stuff. About how blessed we've been to have this house and how much we'll miss the pool. It was such a nice reprieve from our busy weekend! I had to say a silent prayer of thanks!


Laney said...

Yes, my dear friend, we are indeed blessed!

I can't believe anyone would lowball you for that beautiful house! Hooray on the full price offer, I pray it all works out for you guys!

Love you!

Meg said...

Thanks Laney,
I think it will all work out. The lady who offered full price has a buyer for her house (already!) and when that all goes through we should be good to go! It sure happened fast!
Thank you for your prayers!!!