Saturday, August 20, 2005

Baby cookin' Pancakes?

I had to share a laugh that Ben gave me a day or so ago.
I was eating lunch with him. Me at the table and Ben at his highchair beside me, munching on a hotdog. I asked him where the baby was and he pointed to my belly. Then he said, "I see baby?" I had to think for a minute and then said well, she's not ready to come out yet. You know how Mommy cooks food for you on the stove or in the microwave, and you can't eat it till its done cooking? Well, the baby isn't done cooking yet! I was quite proud of my explanation till he exclaimed, "Baby cooking p-peaks (pancakes)?? Baby need dis!!" as he handed me his fork! He is such a smart little never crossed my mind that my explanation could be construed that way!
Now everytime we talk about the baby he says, "baby cook p-peaks?" I can imagine he'll expect a full breakfast when she's born!!


Jersey Girl said...

I love when they begin to talk and you can learn what they are thinking by the next thing they say. So sweet.
I didn't know you were having a girl until I read your comment on Laurie's blog. Congratulations.
Those were encouraging words you gave to Laurie, I know she will take them to heart. Thanks!

Laney said...

That Ben! Couldn't you just eat him up with a spoon? :-)

Laney said...

That Ben! Couldn't you just eat him up with a spoon? :-)

Meg said...

I love finding out what they've really been thinking, FINALLY!

Ben just makes me laugh everyday! I had to laugh at your comment and one of the comments you got on your blog Laney, about Joe....."you could just spread him on a biscuit!"
I'll have to use one of thsoe one day...although I imagine they would be best said with a thick southern accent!