Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Taking Care of Business

It has been a busy couple of days, but it feels good to get things taken care of. This weekend we were supposed to attend a birthday party in Lancaster PA, but decided that we had better stay home and get stuff taken care of in the house. (a much more BORING option! ) Monday was the house inspection here and we're waiting to find out what the new owners might want changed. Tomorrow, our township will be inspecting so that we can get a certificate of occupancy. There was a whole list of things that they will be looking for. Only two concern us, I think. One is GFI outlets and the other is a metal dryer vent instead of a plastic one. So on Sunday, while Mike was riding his motorcross bike, Ben and I went to Panera Bread for lunch and to Lowes to get supplies. I got three GFI outlets and replaced them in our kitchen. Apparently you have to have these Ground Fault Interrupter outlets within 6 feet of any water source. Gotta get that kitchen up to code! It wasn't too hard, but not as easy as I thought it would be. Especially because I had a bit of a handicap, without wire strippers...but we made it work! I guess I should weld that one pipe that had a leak in our crawl space, too..... JUST KIDDING! But seriously though folks...We did have to get an HVAC person in here this morning because of a leak in our air conditioning system. How did moving get so expensive? The movers (don't want to think about how much THAT will be!), $500 to test our buried oil tank, $120 to fix the leak, $80 for parts at Lowe's, $400 to get the inspection at the new house and $75 for the inspection for the C of O, and I believe we've just touched the surface! Oh well, this is what you gotta do, I guess, and two months from now it'll all be a distant memory. Then it'll be onward to our new place! Yay!

Friday is our 5 year anniversary. I said to Mike, on Sunday, that maybe we could do something Thursday night since he's flying out on Friday, like get his Mom to take Ben? He just calmly said..."Don't worry about it. I got it ALL taken care of!" OH BOY!!! I'll fill you all in on Friday or Saturday! (with MOST of the details!)

Today is MY glucose test with the lovely orange drink. I know it will be nothing compared to what my frind Elaine had to go through last week with a 6 hour test and *8* blood draws. Poor dear! But a blood draw nonetheless. I usually do some secret pushups in the bathroom before they draw to make things go a little more smoothly. Better to just get it done and over with...since I've been told that I'm a "hard stick". Sounds like a nickname that I might have aquired in prison or something. Hmm, I like it, has a cool, tough ring to it!! "you try that again and you'll have to talk to my girl "hardstick!!"

1 comment:

Laney said...

I don't think I can be friends with you anymore, you are always amking me look bad, you crazy electrician girl, you!!

The expenses sure do add up, don't they.

I can't wait to hear about Mike's surprise!