Friday, October 07, 2005

*WARNING* typical parent comments ahead!

Being home with Ben is SUCH a blessing. I see it more and more everyday, its those little things they say that you miss when you are away from them. . Yesterday I think he said, probably, seven things that were just hilarious. I have to get these things written down. (of course, I think that its always funnier to the parents...bear with me! I just need to get these down so I don't forget)
Just about his first question when he gets his bearings in the morning is, "Go ousside?". So, if I want to get his attention all I have to say is don't you want to go outside? Then he's right there, letting me take off his PJs and changing him, getting clothes, socks and shoes on. When he's ready its like the Belmont..."He's OFF AND RUNNING!" As he was headed out the door I could hear him say to our dog Dixie, who was already out, "don't worry, I'll come with you!" It was so sweet....
Then when we were outside together he wanted me to mow the grass. Since I'm over 7 months pregnant and on limited activity, I just told him that Mommy can't because the Dr. told her not to. He just looked inquiringly up at me and said, "Mommy too big!?" I had to chuckle! And wonder.....
When Mike is home with us on the weekends/evenings its all about DADDY! They might be reading a book or playing with trucks and if I come into the room and Mike starts talking to me, Ben will say to Daddy, "Don't say that!" and say to me "No, goway!" (While waving his hand at me)
It makes me glad that Ben is getting so close with Mike. I know that relationship will be very valuable once Jenna is born!
He is pretty good at saying "thank you and your welcome" I usually don't even remind him! It always impresses me. He is usually pretty fond of saying, "I need dat now!!" if I'm using something he wants. When did my little baby get so vocal?