Thursday, April 20, 2006

I hardly know how to write everything in this blog that has happened in the last five months. I guess I'll do a general overview and get into detail at a later time. It's high time I started blogging again.
We moved in October to a wonderful house on a wonderful street. I really like a lot of my neighbors and some even have kids around Ben's age. I'll post pictures later!

On December 12th, I had our little baby girl, Jenalyn. We call her Jena for short. She is a WONDERFUL baby and I'm loving almost every minute of being her Mommy. Ben is a really great big brother and hugs her all the time. She just watches him and watches him! Daddy is always kissin' on her as well. Poor thing gets no lovin' !

On January 14th, I had a Grand Mal seizure while visiting my mother in law's for a family gathering. Thank the Lord I wan't driving and I wasn't holding Jena. (I WAS holding her but felt so bad that I gave her to my hubby) Just before I went totally out I asked them to get Ben out and they did. The next thing I knew I was in the hospital. To make an even longer story a bit shorter, I had a reoccurance of a brain tumor that I'd had removed in 1997. And on Feb. 8th almost nine years to the day of my last surgery, I had it removed, sucesessfully, again. Jena was eight weeks old and was young enough not to miss me too bad but poor Ben took the brunt of it. Thank goodness I was only on the hospital from Wed. to Friday night. My recovery was half thee time and half the pain of last time. I do believe it was due to the overwhelming amount of prayer. God is good.
Now I just get MRI's every three months to keep an eye on it. The Dr. feels certain it will come back again, the bad thing being that it could come back in a part of the brain that is essential and it could come back as a more agressive type. After a lot of emotion about all of this I keep coming back to one thing. God is in control, and I can hang my hat (Future, kids, and husband) on that. Really, none of us knows the day or the hour of their death and mine is just more imminent and realistic. But what a way to live the life that you have left. I appreciate SO SO much more now and I'm becoming more focused on what is really important. My relationship with my creator, helping my children to develop one as well, and to live out a beautifully sucessful marriage with my best friend. We are all so blessed in so many ways. How blessed am I to live every day seeing those blessings??

1 comment:

Laney said...

Meg, my dear, dear friend!! How could I have missed all of that?? I am so,so,so sorry.

I can't believe the way you are handling all that God has allowed, your strenght and faith are amazing.

you are in my prayers. I will call you later!