Saturday, June 10, 2006

Prayer time and Potty Training....needing help with both!

Ok so I haven't blogged in a month or more...I have such a hard time getting to the blogging after answering my email and runnning after Ben and caring for Jena too. I guess its just not on my "to do" list. My biggest challenge has been making time for quiet time with God. How do you all do it? I'd love to hear some of your suggestions! I'm guessing that some of you actually set an alarm to get up before your kids? Ben is usually up anywhere between 5:45 and 7 am. He's a good alarm clock but that spoils my alone-time!
I have no idea why I let so much get in the way of that time. I have been taking my waking moments to prayerfully "put on the armor of Christ", mentally. I heard it in a message from Charles Stanley and it made so much sense. That seems to be a good way to start the day and if I don't happen to get time in The Word, then I feel that at least I've had some prayer time
Today I got up at 6 am and got to the grocery store by 7:30. Since it was Saturday I was able to leave Jena and Mike sleeping. Ben, (aka Mr. Alarmclock) wasn't all that excited at the prospect of joining me at the wonderfully exciting grocery store! So I tempted him with the morsel of a stop at Home Depot first, to sit on the lawn mowers. He was out the door before I got my shoes on! Whatever works, right?
We're still working on potty training and Ben is doing better than he was...but me, however, I'm doing much worse...really. I've come to the opinion that 90% of the training is our own. I FORGET to ask him. I can't really expect a three year old to take himself to the bathroom while he's outside, engrossed in the latest sandbox rendition of Windsor Castle? Can I? But its hard not to be slightly annoyed....To be you are changing the 3rd pair of underware. I do pretty well during the week, but when Mike is home it throws me all off. Ben wants to be with him outside and Mike doesn't remember to ask as well...but he does do pretty good once you throw a few reminders out the sliding glass door! I guess we'll get through it and it'll all be a distant memory, and then Jena will be ready! I honestly had no idea how difficult potty training was. Our greatest triumph so far was when we were in TJ Maxx and Ben told me he had to poopy...we RAN to the bathroom and sure 'nuff, he did! Yay Ben! I was so proud. I'd have thought you were crazy had you told me I'd be writing this ten years ago!

I am three times more blessed than I was ten years ago though! God Bless my Hubby and Kids!

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