Thursday, August 03, 2006

July was an active month!

July was a very active month for our family. The summer is just flying by!
Ben has swimming lessons on Mondays and still says on the way to the YMCA, "I'm not putting my face in the water, ok Mommy"? I guess I haven't fully explained his genetics to him. His mother was a lifeguard, as were both of his uncles and his Aunt....What more does a kid need to know?? (HA!) I remember swimming lessons when I was little, a freezing cold, spring fed pool on the local Army Depot Base. The swimming instructors had just come from boot camp and were trying out their new persuasion techniques. "BLUE LIPS WILL NOT GET YOU OUT OF THIS CLASS"!! I remember wondering if I could throw up in the water...maybe I would be a hero of some sort!! YAY MEG, NO SWIMMING LESSON TODAY!

Instead, Ben has his lessons, inside, in a literal Sauna. (When I go I just wear my suit, because I look like I've been swimming by the time his class is over, and so does Jena!) The water is at least 85 degrees. I wonder what it will take for him! I think that if we keep with it, it'll just click for him. He's a good boy though, when we get there Miss Sue grabs his hand and off he goes, silently with his head down. I have to admit, I feel a bit guilty! But this is good training because September 5th is his first day of preschool! I'm excited for him. He's ready to play and interact with other kids for an extended period of time.

July 4th we went to Pa for a family reunion and stayed at my Dad's "farmette". He has 10 acres and a barn but no animals yet! Mike and I had the brilliant idea of taking our 4-wheeler and Ben's little motorcycle. It was great till Mike hit a groundhog hole going at breakneck speed and the hit a big pile of dirt. All I remember was seeing Mike go up into the air and the quad landing on him!! I wanted to run down to him screaming but then I remember that I was a Mommy! I calmly asked Ben to stay there while I took Jena with me on Ben's little bike (If it wasn't such a scary situation it would have been comical seeing Jena and I ride across the pasture on that teeny tiny motorcycle!) Mike was in serious pain and I realized that we were in for yet another visit to the ER! Mike ended up with 3 sets of ribs broken!! Poor guy....
I asked him if he'd forgotten that he has a wife, a son and a little baby girl to think about!!! I sometimes wonder if the gasoline goes to their brains!! I guess he has that need for speed!
So he's feeling a little better now. He's able to sleep just about all night.....The one thing that came out of it is that he realized that he can't continue to do this and has got his Honda MX bike in the paper. I'm already metering out what we'll do with the money! he he!

Jena is 7 months and really doing wonderfully. She's sitting up, eating cheerios, and is working on her third tooth. She ALMOST is crawling; Moving her hands and then kind of hops her legs forward. Its so cute!
She has just started to play "shy" in front of people she doesn't know that well. But she ALWAYS has a smile for anyone...she's such a happy little baby. I love watching her watch Ben. She thinks he's just wonderful and laughs at him no matter what he does. A baby laughing....can you think of a sound better than that?
We had her 6 month pictures taken in July (I know, she was actually 7 months!) and they turned out so well.

As for me, I am due to get another MRI in the next week or so and then have it sent down to my Neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, MD. Please pray for NO REGROWTH!
I feel really good except for having the flu last week.But I'm almost 100% now!
My neighbor and I go to kickboxing on Thursdays and I try to walk the days in between. I can feel my strength getting back to where it used to be before the surgery and baby. Which is a good thing with a three year old and a 7 month old!
I decided to take a chance and invite our whole neighborhood to have a yard sale. We have ten families involved, so it should be great, barring rain!
Till next time!

1 comment:

Laney said...

I am laughing at the image of you on the motorcycle, the things we mothers do!

I will be praying for you and I hope that all is well!

Love you!