Friday, October 13, 2006

Why is it so quiet over there?

I was taking a few quiet moments to do some emailing Ben, my three year old was napping and Jenna my ten month old had just woken up. She was being SO good, as I quietly was tapping out some messages. Suddenly I thought, "A ten month old, quiet?" She was literally within ten feet away, in view, with her back to me. I went over and thought, what is that all over the floor? Well, apparently antibiotics don't agree with her stomach, and her stomach didn't agree with her diaper and the results had found an opening in said diaper, as she sat on my carpet!!! She had both hands in it and was rubbing it all over her dress. I was standing there and didn't know whether to laugh or cry! I just grabbed her and took her (at arms length) up for a bath at 3 in the afternoon. She was delighted, I was not. Especially when I had to come back down and clean that carpet! Someday I'll look back on this and laugh, right...... right?
Oh, PS Jenna took her first step on Wednesday, one day shy of being ten months old! Yay Jenna!


Laney said...

EEEEWWWW! I've been there, my friend!

I am so glad that you updated your blog, it's nice to see the pictures and hear the stories of the kids.

Ben has your smile.:-)

Meg said...

Thanks Laney! I always enjoy your blogs and I'm sorry its taken me so long to update. Glad you had a good Christmas!